
The idea behind this package is to standardize error responses and make it easier to customize. To accomplish that, the exception handler was rewritten as a class, so it’s easy to subclass and make small customizations. First, we’ll go through a brief description of the flow for generating error response, then we’ll check some customizations that you might want to make.

Exception handling flow

You’re encouraged to read the source code since it’s not that much but here’s a quick overview.

  • The flow starts with converting known exceptions like django.core.exceptions.PermissionDenied and django.http.Http404 to DRF exceptions.

  • Any unhandled exception is then converted to an instance of rest_framework.exceptions.APIException.

  • Afterwards, the exception data is extracted and formatted, and the error response is generated with the correct headers.

  • Finally, if the exception is a server error (status code is 5xx) then it is logged and the signal got_request_exception is sent out. This helps the django test client or an error monitoring tool like Sentry capture exception details.

Sample customizations

Handle a non-DRF exception

This can be done the same way as what DRF recommends:

  • Create a new exception class by inheriting from APIException and setting the default_detail and default_code attributes.

  • Also, set the status_code attribute, but keep in mind that the status code is used to determine the error type. A 4xx status code results in a client_error and a 5xx results in a server_error.

  • In your view, you can now raise the new exception, and it will be handled appropriately.

Also, you can customize the exception handler instead of raising the new exception in your code:

  • Assuming the example from DRF docs for a ServiceUnavailable exception

from rest_framework.exceptions import APIException

class ServiceUnavailable(APIException):
    status_code = 503
    default_detail = 'Service temporarily unavailable, try again later.'
    default_code = 'service_unavailable'
  • You need to subclass drf_standardized_errors.handler.ExceptionHandler and override convert_known_exceptions

import requests
from drf_standardized_errors.handler import ExceptionHandler

class MyExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandler):
    def convert_known_exceptions(self, exc: Exception) -> Exception:
        if isinstance(exc, requests.Timeout):
            return ServiceUnavailable()
            return super().convert_known_exceptions(exc)

Then, update the setting to point to your exception handler class


Change the format of the error response

Let’s say you don’t need to return multiple errors, and you don’t like some key names in the error response: specifically, you want to change detail to message and attr to field_name.

You’ll need to subclass ExceptionFormatter and override format_error_response.

from drf_standardized_errors.formatter import ExceptionFormatter
from drf_standardized_errors.types import ErrorResponse

class MyExceptionFormatter(ExceptionFormatter):
    def format_error_response(self, error_response: ErrorResponse):
        error = error_response.errors[0]
        return {
            "type": error_response.type,
            "code": error.code,
            "message": error.detail,
            "field_name": error.attr

Then, update the corresponding setting