
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog.


[0.13.0] - 2024-02-28


  • If you’re using drf-spectacular 0.27.0 or newer, update ENUM_NAME_OVERRIDES entries to reference choices rather than values. The list of overrides specific to this package should become like this:

    # other settings
        "ValidationErrorEnum": "drf_standardized_errors.openapi_serializers.ValidationErrorEnum.choices",
        "ClientErrorEnum": "drf_standardized_errors.openapi_serializers.ClientErrorEnum.choices",
        "ServerErrorEnum": "drf_standardized_errors.openapi_serializers.ServerErrorEnum.choices",
        "ErrorCode401Enum": "drf_standardized_errors.openapi_serializers.ErrorCode401Enum.choices",
        "ErrorCode403Enum": "drf_standardized_errors.openapi_serializers.ErrorCode403Enum.choices",
        "ErrorCode404Enum": "drf_standardized_errors.openapi_serializers.ErrorCode404Enum.choices",
        "ErrorCode405Enum": "drf_standardized_errors.openapi_serializers.ErrorCode405Enum.choices",
        "ErrorCode406Enum": "drf_standardized_errors.openapi_serializers.ErrorCode406Enum.choices",
        "ErrorCode415Enum": "drf_standardized_errors.openapi_serializers.ErrorCode415Enum.choices",
        "ErrorCode429Enum": "drf_standardized_errors.openapi_serializers.ErrorCode429Enum.choices",
        "ErrorCode500Enum": "drf_standardized_errors.openapi_serializers.ErrorCode500Enum.choices",
        # other overrides


  • add compatibility with drf-spectacular 0.27.x

  • add support for django 5.0


  • Ensure accurate traceback inclusion in 500 error emails sent to ADMINS by capturing the original exception information using self.exc. This fixes the issue where tracebacks were previously showing as None for django version >= 4.1.

  • Handle error responses with +1000 errors

[0.12.6] - 2023-10-25


  • declare support for type checking

  • add support for django 4.2

  • add support for python 3.12


  • Avoid calling AutoSchema.get_request_serializer when inspecting a get operation for possible error responses.

[0.12.5] - 2023-01-14



  • use model._default_manager instead of model.objects.

  • Don’t generate error responses for OpenAPI callbacks.

  • Make _should_add_http403_error_response check if permission is IsAuthenticated and AllowAny via type instead of isinstance

  • Don’t collect error codes from nested read_only fields

[0.12.4] - 2022-12-11


  • account for specifying the request serializer as a basic type (like OpenApiTypes.STR) or as a PolymorphicProxySerializer using @extend_schema(request=...) when determining error codes for validation errors.

[0.12.3] - 2022-11-13


  • add support for python 3.11

[0.12.2] - 2022-09-25


  • When a custom validator class defines a code attribute, add it to the list of error codes of raised by the corresponding field.

  • add support for DRF 3.14

[0.12.1] - 2022-09-03


  • generate the mapping for discriminator fields properly instead of showing a “null” value in the generated schema (#12).

[0.12.0] - 2022-08-27


[0.11.0] - 2022-06-24

Changed (Backward-incompatible)

  • Removed all imports from This avoids facing the AppRegistryNotReady error in certain situations (fixes #7). This change only affects where functions/classes are imported from, there are no changes to how they work. To upgrade to this version, you need to:

    • Update the "EXCEPTION_HANDLER" setting in REST_FRAMEWORK to "drf_standardized_errors.handler.exception_handler".

    • If you imported the exception handler directly, make sure the import looks like this from drf_standardized_errors.handler import exception_handler.

    • If you imported the exception handler class, make sure the import looks like this from drf_standardized_errors.handler import ExceptionHandler.

    • If you imported the exception formatter class, make sure the import looks like this from drf_standardized_errors.formatter import ExceptionFormatter.

[0.10.2] - 2022-05-08


  • disable tag creation by the “create GitHub release” action since it is already created by tbump

[0.10.1] - 2022-05-08


  • add write permission to create release action, so it can push release notes to GitHub

  • fix license badge link so it works on PyPI

[0.10.0] - 2022-05-08


  • Build the documentation automatically on every commit to the main branch. The docs are hosted on readthedocs.

  • Add package metadata

  • add a GitHub workflow to create a GitHub release when a new tag is pushed

  • add a GitHub workflow to run tests on every push and pull request

  • add test coverage

[0.9.0] - 2022-05-07


  • Common error response format for DRF-based APIs

  • Easily customize the error response format.

  • Handle error responses for list serializers and nested serializers.

  • Add documentation

  • Add tests

  • Automate release steps