

  • Fork this repository.

  • Clone the forked repository locally.

  • Create a virtual environment, activate it and install development dependencies using pip install '.[dev]'

  • Install pre-commit hooks with pre-commit install

  • Create a branch, make changes and commit them.

  • Push the changes to your forked repository.

  • Create a pull request against this repository.

Run tests locally

You can run tests using tox.

pip install .[test]

By default, tests will run against all supported environments. However, if a supported python version is not available on your machine, you should see an InterpreterNotFound error. You can use pyenv to install the needed python versions.


The documentation is built using Sphinx and is written using markdown thanks to MyST Parser. In many cases, knowing markdown is enough to update the docs, but if that’s not the case, please check the MyST syntax guide or this cheatsheet.

For building the documentation locally, first you’ll need to install the documentation dependencies with

pip install .[doc]
cd docs
make livehtml

The last command will start a server that makes the docs available at http://localhost:9000 and rebuilds it on any change. That is done thanks to sphinx-autobuild.